The Author Platform

templates to save you time!

Designed specifically for authors

Don’t know what a template is?

A template is a document, tool, or software of stuff where bits are already added so you can use it again and again. I know, we should be rewriting the dictionary with our stellar explanations.

But having templates on hand, for certain actions, helps you to create your own smart & sexy systems that grow with you, because they’re meant to work for you. The large parts are done, all you do is add your own unique touches just like we did with our AUTHOR TEMPLATE KITS.

why templates for authors...

After creating oodles of author platforms, and with an out-of-control waiting list of clients begging us to build their author platform, it was decided among the rescued office plants who had all the time in the world to sit around and think up stuff, that we should design, brand, and curate the most requested author templates desired by many amazing aspiring authors out there. 

That birthed the mega-magical list of templates to include:






So this is where we tell you we did not hire a group of delinquent leprechauns to unlawfully detain some marketing experts (we didn’t think kidnap & interrogate should be in the one sentence). And we never fed our design teams with enough caffeinated drinks to jumpstart the next space ship to mars! And we did not include the words stripper poles, hyper monkeys, and fashion police on the same page as mobsters holding fistfuls of dollars!


Okay, so we did!?!

But we had to show off this golden egg full of goodness found within these Author Branded Template Kits designed to build your author platform the easy way, so you can get back to writing your next epic bestseller.





Penning a business-styled professional email doesn’t come naturally to most people. For some authors, they’ll write emails like desk-hugging grammar nazis. While some suffer when their brain becomes an arctic shelf, complete with penguins having a fat time with polar bears sliding through those frozen brain canals that should be zinging with words. 

You don’t need to be a genius marketer—you just need an email template. These ones…



We want you to be prepared when Oprah’s book club comes knockin’, or when that scout for Netflix Media pokes around your website, which is why we’ve done the Media kit to answer what they need to know about YOU in a simple – yet effective layout. 

These people haven’t got time. 

They want what they want NOW. So, with the media moguls in mind, this author’s brag sheet is personally styled for you that’s also a breeze to replicate as a media page on your author’s website, to then share the links or PDFs with your local radio station to appear on drive-time radio where you get to play a ukelele and tell bad dad jokes on the air. 

Now we’re talkin’.




We’re currently testing, trialling, and tweaking this product, to earn that nod of approval from Santa’s personal inspection team! Join our newsletter to get the details when this product is live. It’ll be worth the wait.


Stop struggling with your social media content ideas as an author, when we've done the hard work for you to use to suit your brand with over 230+ templates and an online system to help you file and create like a pro.


This is all about YOU! So we created 230+ styled templates where you get to add your author name and your beautiful author image to then share across social media. 

It’s called brand recognition as gushed over in our book YOUR AUTHOR BRAND. 

And then, in agreeance with that nodding Senior Christmas Elf in the corner, you can repurpose these templates to generate oodles of social media concepts, not just about you, but also to promote your booksssss!

And then we give you a complete online content creation system to streamline the entire process, plus tips, plus charm, plus oodles of goodies made for authors, by authors, that’ll have you surfing the socials like a pro in no time.

Questions? Comments?

And for those not so sure…

As discussed by a group of rescued office plants at their last spa day,

where the over-caffeinated author cheer squad bombarded them with questions.

Why bother with an author template kit at all?

These author templates are to give you that catapulting head start, creating an impact – lightyears beyond other aspiring authors. It’s what established authors take years to perfect.

What we’re doing is making you recognisable to your readers, by giving you the wow factor of an established author. Today.

I’m busy writing and I may not have the time?

Think of all the time you’ll save yourself if you were to DIY the following:

  • find the right balance in the fonts
  • Blend the perfect colours
  • Scour sites for suitable imagery
  • Study clever marketing layout & tactics
  • Understand the rules of graphic design principles
  • Ensuring all items were copyright free or you’ll option to keep your lawyer on a retainer
  • To collate all of the above into something that doesn’t resemble a mudpie from 1989

We did the hard work for you. Because that’s our specialty – building author platforms for aspiring authors.

Ding! Ding! Ding!
It's bonus time

You will automatically be included to our email list and receive FOUR FREE FABULOUS templates to help YOU with your work-write-life balance:

🟠 The Author’s Master List

🟠The Author’s Word Counter

🟠 The Author’s Monthly Planner

🟠 An Author’s Monthly Metrics Sheet

(Total value $210)

Sorry, we just don't do that

Even though, at times, we may think we're superheroes

(you know, supermen wearing our undies on the outside)

sadly, these template kits don't include:

🔶 Vegan/ Paleo/ Keto recipes for a damn-fine detox — we like cake & cocktails too much

🔶 Hacks on pole dancing for TikTok

🔶 Babysitting tips for hyper monkeys & delinquent garden gnomes

What these templates do…

Simply put, these template kits are here to help you: 

🔶 build your author platform

🔶 make your authoring life easier

🔶 help you build your author brand

You don’t have to be a marketing guru or be BFFs with the Kardashians when you let these templates do the hard work for. We did the research, tested, tweaked, trialled, and played tally-ho in the office to get the results that work – which is why our waiting list is insane! 

So skip the waiting list and be the head of your own queue to build your author platform.

You don’t even need to have a book published, making this the perfect time to start building that author platform. Today.

So, go on...

Be that first author swaggering down that spaceship’s runway. 

Strut your stuff across the dark side of the moon. 

Stake that pole into the crust. 

And flick at that big ol’ flag waving your author’s name, where you’ll nod at us and say, “Yeah, let’s do this.”

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