Author Platform Case Study : CG Drews
Grab a cocktail or some cake, get comfy, and let’s do some official case profiling on what works and doesn’t work
The Pros and Cons of using Canva for Authors
In this article, we answer the most common questions from aspiring authors, while sharing the pros and cons of using Canva
Should you have a fake author name or do you keep it real?
Should you have a fake author name or do you keep it real? Find out with the list of questions and
“Social media just sux,” so say many authors.
“Social media just sux,” so say many authors. We go from consumers to creators and for some of us introverted authors,
The Author’s To-Do List
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the to-do list principle has been around forever because it works. So these are our top
7 simple healthy author habits
No dirty tricks. No sneaky hacks. And no words conjured from science labs or basements that grow certain funguses either. Just
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